Thomas Russo Managing Member

Mortgages Made Easy

They say the streets of New York are paved with gold. In my business, that gold comes in the form of Real Estate – the homes that anchor lives, hold memories, and sometimes, in their later chapters, become the key to unlocking a golden second act. My name is Thomas Russo, and I'm not just a mortgage broker; I'm a builder of financial bridges, a translator of numbers into dreams, and a champion for the hardworking folks who fuel this towns soul – the union workers who sweat, build, and keep New York going.

19yrs ago I helped build Coltrain Funding Group, a haven of clear communication and honest advice in the world of mortgages. Offering the best rates, fastest technology, and product options for customers.

Coltrain Funding Group isn't just a name on a door; it's a family - a dedicated team of Mortgage Loan Officers who share my passion of families and retirees navigating the waters of homeownership. My days are filled with deciphering complex financials, calming jittery nerves, and celebrating milestones – keys handed over, mortgages paid off, and dreams turned into homes. It's not always easy; the market shifts, regulations tighten, and sometimes, dreams collide with hard realities. But in the end, it's not about the numbers on the loan documents; it's about the stories etched in home. And those stories, my friends, is one I cant wait to part of!


Thinking about a reverse mortgage? It's a big decision, and I understand the worries you might have. It's about accessing your home's equity, but also about staying independent and secure. Remember, there are other options too. Let's explore them all together, find the path that feels most right, and ensure your golden years are filled with comfort and joy. You're not alone in this as its about easing anxieties, unlocking the equity trapped in a lifetime of hard work, and giving seniors the freedom to live their golden years on their own terms. The fear, the confusion, the sense of losing control – I meet it all head-on with empathy and education. Seeing retirees shed years of worry as they embraced this financial lifeline

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